Reading Time: 4 minutesLet’s create a blueprint that includes your values, principles, preferences, and goals in order to live a meaningful life. Let’s do this!
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Biekonscious is a category on the Biekaleidoscope journal. This is your ultimate location for information, tools, and guides for creating a conscious and sustainable lifestyle.
Reading Time: 4 minutesLet’s create a blueprint that includes your values, principles, preferences, and goals in order to live a meaningful life. Let’s do this!
Read MoreReading Time: 4 minutesBeing constantly preoccupied makes your mind so noisy that you don’t have the headspace to hear or see what’s going on around you. It’s time to define what you value in your life, to live a meaningful life. Let’s go!
Read MoreReading Time: 7 minutesHave you checked the ingredients of your clothes and wondered if these toxins affect your health and the environment? This is how.
Read MoreReading Time: 3 minutesSwap parties are a fun way to work on your (essential) wardrobe. It can be a team effort! I think we all have friends whose style we really love, and they can be fantastic resources for us.
Let’s create a get-together to exchange some knowledge, but most of all – clothes.
Reading Time: 5 minutesJust remember, your unwanted item is someone else’s treasure. Today I want to share some thoughts about finding a second life for the items you no longer need.
Read MoreReading Time: 4 minutesI often use the question “Does this make me happy?”, or “Do I love this?”. But what if these questions don’t work for you? I get that. In this post, I will try to give to other tools and questions that you can use when you’re decluttering.
Read MoreReading Time: 3 minutesMinimalism is a continual editing process. And so it is still for me. I’m still buying things and sometimes I make mistakes by realizing that I actually don’t really need it or use it. This has lead to questions I can ask myself, and I want to share these with you today.
Read MoreReading Time: 4 minutesLet’s debunk the myths around minimalism. In this post, I am brutally honest about my journey with clutter towards feeling free when I got rid of things that no longer served me. I wish the same for you!
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