Biek seen, heard, and read in:

1:1 wardrobe EDIT

“I stand in front of my closet and don’t know what to wear. Nothing seems to fit, nothing is just right, and I don’t recognize myself in the clothes that are looking back at me.”

You have good taste and love clothes, but there is something off with the clothes in your closet. You’re bored of wearing the same dress or top with jeans AGAIN. You want to understand how your clothes work together. You want to dress effortlessly and you’re looking for less but better.

Biek Speijk Sustainable Wardrobe Edit Singapore

Just be.
-Be you.

How does it work?

Easy as 1, 2, 3 by using the B-method



We start by clearing the clutter. I need to understand your style and lifestyle needs and we sort through what you love, what you wear, and what no longer works.



We find new ways to wear what you already own. My favorite comment is “Oh, I never would have thought to put this with that!”. During the process, we identify a few pieces to invest in to make your wardrobe work harder for you. 



We put everything back in a way that makes getting dressed easier each day. Now you have a refreshed wardrobe for effortless dressing. This is how your wardrobe should make you feel. And it’s fun (I promise)!

what others say

I have my own syle and  I also really know quite well what I stand for. But it is so nice to go through this together who holds mirrors and gives you nice excercies. Biek really did a fantastic job.

wietske biekaleidoscope confident closet


30, free spirit and founder of Sisther

I am so happy that I started this trajectory with you. I rediscover who I am from deep within and outside. That creates so much peace and space; I’m starting to shine again!

lore, 33

mother, nurse

Your Confident Closet

edit your wardrobe

a wardrobe refresh



  • Just you and me!
  • Feeling more confident in your clothes every day
  • You know what to wear and what looks good
  • You open your wardrobe and find your outfit in a minute
  • Versatile clothes that you can mix and match
  • Your clothes represent your personality
  • Done in ONE day!
  • Live in your wardrobe in Singapore
  • Virtual is also possible!

Get endlessly creative with your wardrobe

I do this WITH you, not for you

We will:

→ Work with the clothes you have and declutter

→ Align your wardrobe with your lifestyle

→ Try on new combinations

→ Educate on fabric knowledge

→ Make a list of missing pieces

→ Full empowerment, ownership, and confidence

→ Everyday confidence and effortless oomph

Just be.
-Be you.

Biek Speijk wardrobe edit declutter confident closet

what clients say:

“If you look good, you feel good, and if you feel good, you play good.” ~ Deion Sanders

what others say

The biggest win is that I don’t have decision fatigue anymore! Which means that I don’t have to put outfits ready the day before. I never thought it would be so life-changing. It has an impact on my daily life and it has given me so many insights for daily inspiration and how many possibilities are already in my wardrobe.


31, teacher

what others say

You give me so many more insights into my clothing –  beyond the fact that something feels good, I also have a better understanding of fabrics. Above all, I don’t think in terms of “formal is a cocktail dress, work is trousers with a blouse, and casual is sweats”. I feel free to choose that for myself, and maybe it doesn’t necessarily fit into a category, but the fabrics also can contribute to something being formal. Thanks to your expertise and experience as a designer, I know much more about my clothing, what feels good and what suits me. And that makes your approach unique.

Siem Confident Closet Biek


30, Feelgood entrepeneur

BEFORE (in between) AND AFTERS

i am not a personal stylist

I am a fashion designer who is passionate about good shit. I dislike bad design and horrible fabrics.

I teach you to look at clothes at first, without all the fluff of body shapes rules, and all that crap. 

Together, we get rid of labels and categories for which occasions something fits into, and instead, look at interesting combinations and play with proportions.

Not only for the looks but also because it’s fun and this creates confidence from the inside out!

Let’s normalize to WEAR our clothes, not style. Effortless, confident dressing is the goal!

Biek Speijk Artist Fashion Designer and Wardrobe Editor Singapore
Biek Speijk fashion designer textile artist wardrobe editing Singapore
Biek Speijk fluctuating size wardrobe edit textile artist

This is Biek:

  • Fashion designer and textile artist
  • International design career for more than 10 years
  • Empowering quality in design and clothes
  • Teaches you how to curate a body-positive wardrobe
  • Queen of a fluctuating size

As a mother of 2 young children, I know what it’s like to have a changing body, lifestyle, and personality.

Some clothes that used to fit and suit you perfectly fine, suddenly make you feel uncomfortable and insecure.

Life is already limited enough, so I don’t believe in any “rules” according to body shape or using color analyses by holding synthetic fabrics in seasonal shades which should guide you what to wear.

Expect a hands-on mentality where you fall in love with your clothes (and yourself). No fluff with belts and blazers (we are quite tired of these styling “tricks”, am I right?) — just you and your clothes.

Let’s start wearing our clothes again and dress effortlessly and creatively every day!


BEFORE (in between) AND AFTERS

Your Confident Closet

wardrobe edit

refresh your wardrobe



  • Feeling more confident in your clothes every day
  • You know what to wear and what looks good
  • You open your wardrobe and find your outfit in a minute
  • Versatile clothes that you can mix and match
  • Your clothes represent your personality
  • Done in one day!
  • Live in your wardrobe in Singapore
  • Virtual is also possible!
Biek Speijk Confident Closet journey wardrobe curation editor

“You’re the cake, and clothes are the cherry - don’t forget that”

BEFORE (in between) AND AFTERS


A: It’s a total of 4 weeks of 1:1 personal and profound sessions. And you get the Guide shortly after. Each session is approximately 45 minutes, except for the first Bieklutter session. That is on average 3 hours and this is where you make immediate results!

A: Yes, you can always reach me via Voxer. You’ll receive all this info when you sign up.

A: This trajectory is set up so you can be the most empowered version of yourself. When you’re dependent on a stylist, or a styling/shopping session, you don’t learn to make choices and be the most powerful, confident version of yourself. My program is designed for you to understand yourself, your clothes, and your preferences from the inside out. You will, however, receive several (conscious) labels in your Style Guide. I will not tell you exactly which item to choose because I believe in you making the right choices for you and your wardrobe.

A: The short answer is no. We need to get to the root of your mindset and lifestyle. Reducing noise and finding out what you love is beneficial; my philosophy is that you only get to the core of your wardrobe by seeing your wardrobe from different angles. 

Having said that, there are always exceptions to the rule and when in doubt, just contact me. I’d love to hear your story!

A: I prefer to do 1 session once a week, as you also develop a better sense of daily habits over time which we can talk about and unpack or learn from. But, sometimes life is the way it is, and we can definitely talk about a one-day retreat!

BEFORE (in between) AND AFTERS


*Lloyd, K. and Pennington, W. (2020). ‘Towards a theory of minimalism and wellbeing’. International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 5, 121-136.